Thursday, March 03, 2005


Finally I have solid visual proof.
I here this noise during the summer nights ,late. I live on the second floor , the only apartment in a large barn. This noise is so friggin crazy scary, that I've gotten up and closed/locked the only door to the outside world. Sound's silly but man it freaked me out. I would mention this noise to people, especially my landlords who are fifty yards away, they always say" no Clarkfreak, I didn't here a thing" wich only adds to the " am I really hearing what I think?" aspect of it all.Y ou know waking up at two a.m pressing my face against the screen in a frantic but ill attempt to see what demons are out side my window,always left me with this surreal feeling. Any way people have said it could be a Bobcat, or a coyote, or even a mountain lion,the last two options are quite possible just north of me in P.A , but I think far fetched for around here, so I always leaned more to the Bobcat .Out of a half dozen people who adamantly say the cats are aroud here, only one person had really seen the beast. Their was always skepticism. But two miles from home, on Kings rd. , a major rout for game especially deer to travel through, this thing trots across the road as if we, A.Fish was with me, weren't there I thought it was a rottweiler , had big paws a stub tail ,about as tall as a forty pound dog, but something wasn't right , you could tell it wasn't a dog, then it stopped turned a stared, totally had the points on the ends of it's ears,orange chin and a total cat face! Crazy, it was a dark color that I think would be a winter coat.
So I feel better knowing that it's true, we do have bobcats around here, now to get closure on Aliens and Big foot, actually I don't care about them ,not until I here one anyway.


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